All of the world's crappiest drummers are constantly auditioning in my head

Posted by Kyle Jacobson , Wednesday, September 29, 2010 5:19 PM

Thoughts on my mind...Not funny. Why? No idea. Stay tuned for Sumptuous Saturday when you get a taste of my finished novelette: "Robert Daisy and His Future Neighbors."

My brain sits in my head all day, mocking what it sees. Need I remind, that it sees everything. It sits on his lofty throne and deletes all the good ideas out of my head before they reach my fingers. I blame my job. It's literally sucking all the creativity out of me. What kind of job is that? Not one that I want to be a part of. I am losing my mind. Which is a terrible thing, for me, to lose. It's all I have. 

I look up to my father, a lot. He has it all. The creativity, the wits, the smarts, the brains, the braun, the work ethic, the pure artistic genius. 
I'll never fit into his genes, or jeans.

Tomorrow, I go off to my sleep study. Four weeks from tomorrow, I get answers. 

I am quitting my job. 

Looking for new brain; despising current one. 


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