Today we'll postdate tomorrow until yesterday.
Posted by Kyle Jacobson , Wednesday, October 10, 2012 9:38 PM

I was on the latter of the two previously listed carpets.
Who would seriously want a car as a pet anyway? Try snuggling up to will and
grace with a car sitting on your lap, then tell me who’s mildly right!
Walking into the event center, I felt as though my style would catch on fire.
It was pretentiously exhilarating to be at a black or other color tie event.
Which is the exact moment that Mr. and Mrs. Wayne stopped me, we talked about
their wonderful son Bruce and his fear of various corynorhinus townsendii and,
more recently, smog. They then asked me to take a photo with their
state-of-the-art (a.k.a. Iowa) camera phone. A camera mixed with a phone. Who
wants a camera that can call people, seriously. That was rhetorical as I could
see the practical application in various second world societies and fourth
world Atlantean settlements. And I’m ALL for sea people. Which is greater than
or equal to or less than 103%. (103% is the same amount as putting three more M
& Ms into a jar that only holds 100 M & Ms for all you visual learners
out there).
How could I possibly enjoy this night more? I’ll give you a
hint, it involves an armless pianist, Ingrid Michaelson’s second youngest twin
sister and a guitar that makes tears cry people.
Needless to say, the night ended with my sudden involvement
in Lady Gaga karaoke and a bruise on the side of my rib cage that can only be
explained by one thing: Peanuts. I couldn’t resist, there may have been an
elephant, and my middle name is not Franklin.
Thank you and good night,